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Danny Bhoy - One4Review

What starts with the skirl of the pipes, warns all non Britts to run at the sound of a few bars of particular Scottish music and compares the past three Scotland World Cup songs on a scale of we’re gonna win, we can dream we can win and well don’t come back after the first game. Danny Bhoy that’s who!  Ok he wasn’t playing the bagpipes or was he? His new material covers the above as well as religions, long hall flights and vomiting cats plus more oh so much more.  Even the American woman on the front row joined in heckling him with the name of the American Football team during the game he was watching. It was yet another ‘I need my Jason Byrne survival kit moment’, aching sides, tears running down the face, pain killers for the hands and a mad dash for the ladies. He’s cute, he’s funny, he’s well worth the money. *****

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