Lick and Chew - The World Is Just Enough - One4Review
Lick and Chew – The World Is Just Enough
Having seen Christopher Fitchew and Heather Pilkington before I knew I was in for a good show. The world is just about enough is more topical than even they expected thanks to recent events. Basically they take several various aspects of the travel trade and going on holiday and present these in a wide variety of hilarious sketches punctuated with one or two musical snippets. The writing and characterisation is very clever and these two work so well together it is as if they are psychically linked. Despite the tiny performance space they fit so much in including various x-ray machines, a carousel, numerous hotels and beaches. There is no need to imagine the tropical heat they mention in some sketches nor the enjoyment and laughter whether you are on a scheduled trip, a package holiday visit or last minute deal, ‘The World is Just about enough’ room in which to hold the talents of Lick & Chew.
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