Thinking Standing Up - 2** - One4Review
one4review | On 22, Aug 2014
This show was not a bad show. As a line up of a few comics, I have seen much worse. However, it was not by any stretch of the imagination, what the title, and information suggested it would be.
This was meant to be a show of “thought-provoking” comedy for the “discerning and engaged audience.” While the audience was small, what we were looking forward to was meant to be something beyond the usual club sets. It wasn’t.
The club sets provided by MC Nick Elleray, opener Alex Perry, Ben Clover, Ed Caruana, and Daryl Perry were fine. Daryl Perry even managed a quick gag in Latin. Alex Perry claimed to be “trying new material”, which could have been excused if it was on theme, challenging stuff. But it wasn’t, and overall, this show lacked the special “something different” that it had promised to be. An opportunity missed.
Reviewed by Gill
Laughing Horse @ Espionage
19:30 to 20:20
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