I Hate Children Children’s Show 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 19, Aug 2015
The show starts even before you go in, with the dramatic opening of a bottle of champagne for the adults. A great start – until they run out before even half the audience are in!
However, the song “Daddy’s on the Naughty Step with me” soon distracted, and the frequent insults to children were highly entertaining. Thankfully all the youngsters took them in good part, albeit with occasional nervous looks at what they might be asked to do.
Every single child over the age of eight gets to be part of one trick or another, and take a dramatic bow when done, grinning all the way. As it was a quieter day, younger ones were offered the chance, but not all felt brave enough. Those who didn’t soon regretted their lack of balloon animals! (Hint, ask nicely after!)
Favourite tricks include the Magic Bag of Imagination… or Disappointment, vanishing beer, and startling unicorn appearances. The ribbon trick baffled the magician’s young assistants and the audience alike, while the rope through the body trick managed that perennial kids’ favourite of clever and gross all at once. What more could you ask? Sweets you say? OK, you even get them.
Reviewed on 19 Aug 2015
Pleasance Courtyard, 11:45am 1hr until 30th Aug
Reviewed by Gill
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