Amy Matthews – I Feel Like I’m Made of Spiders 5***** - One4Review
one4review | On 04, Aug 2023
Okay it’s preview days at Fringe 2023, so sometimes one has to make allowances for nervous performers settling into their space and show right?
No. That is not always the case. Amy Matthews oozed confidence and class from the opening entrance throughout the whole of her hour. She took the gig by the scruff of the neck and never let go. However, it wasn’t one dimensional, either in material or in delivery, there was plenty of light and shade, moments of outstanding comedy material threaded through with slower paced pathos, and almost manic sections delivered at break-neck speed, yet enunciated perfectly.
The audience attention was grabbed from the opening sequence, and the announcement that this wasn’t a break-up show, more a breakdown show, the rollercoaster of emotions, crammed through with laughs and trauma of not one, but two breakups in the year, relocating and the admin involved, disassociation, counsellors, Anne Boleyn, friends advice, not forgetting the excellent “child at wedding” categories, all adding to the immaculately written and delivered performance.
This is definitely a show worthy of an hour of anybody’s time.
Reviewed by Geoff
Monkey Barrel at the Tron
15.00 to 16.00
Until 27th August (not 9th,16th, 23rd)
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