The ODD(US)SEY - One4Review
The Odd(us)sey by HWS Rembiko project, is for me one of their weaker productions this year. Based loosely on Homers Odyssey it tells of Oz’s adventures whilst rescuing his parents by taking their passports to the Airport, then trying to find his way home to his girlfriend Penny and little brother Tommy. The Greek gods Athena and Poseidon in turn either help or hinder him with his tasks. The cast work hard on the show and some of the scenes are very imaginative. The costumes are interesting. The cast are Quinn Beswick as Oz; Kate Friedman-Siegel as Penny;Jake Goren as Tommy; Esther Zukerman as mother; Jeff Iloulian as the Axe; Sam Farmer as Drake; Reed Ryan as ; Max Freedman as ; Max Freedman as ; Lisa Bass as ; Norah Tillmans as ; Romi Barta as Athena; Katie Truer as ;Leon Moskatel as . The band are Ben Bram, Derek Staahl, Shea Sullivan, Sarah Park, Lauren Wood and Leon Moskatel. The show has promise but on the night I saw it seemed to lack the HWS Rembiko sparkle. ***
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