Mother's Ruin: A Cabaret about Gin - Maeve Marsden and Libby Wood -5***** - One4Review

one4review | On 10, Aug 2017
This show gets off to a great start as you collect your free gin on arrival. Bribery however is not required as this trio deliver the most informative, witty history of gin through their clever lyrics.
Libby Wood and Maeve Marsden who are accompanied by Tom Dickins on piano deliver pitch perfect harmonies. From gospel to rap we learn the full history of gin – the medicinal benefits, how it got it’s bad reputation, cocktails and how it’s now making a new renaissance.
Here for political reasons – “Scottish Gin Dependence” and taking us through every brand of gin imaginable, their delivery is completely flawless.
This is a highly entertaining show.
Reviewed by Lynn
Mother’s Ruin: A Cabaret about Gin
Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre 18:15
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