Croft & Pearce:- Double Take 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 11, Aug 2018
Croft & Pearce:- Double Take 4****
It has been a couple of years since Hannah Croft and Fiona Pearce brought their own special magic to Edinburgh but it is obvious that the highly successful duo still have their own take on sketch shows off to a fine art.
I always feel that sometimes energy can be lost is in other example of this genre with ‘scene’ changes, but that is something that can never be levelled at these two ultra-talented performers. Could be it’s always prop light, or chops and changes from one thread to another, yet their style of setting up a number of scenes and gradually pulling them all together is something they excel at.
The same largely dysfunctional village characters are given another airing, Jean and June, Jess and Dan together with the totally unsuitable ‘ Brown Owl’ and these together with a number of new kids on the block enable Croft & Pearce to move the story along at the same time as showcasing their acting abilities and wickedly funny, delightfully written material.
I have seen them perform a number of times over the years and on each occasion loved the hour spent in their company. This year is certainly no exception and I’m already looking forward to next years instalment.
Reviewed by Geoff
Underbelly Quadrant
14.00 to 15.00
Until 26th
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