Marcel Lucont: Les Enfants Terribles - A Gameshow For Awful Children 4.5**** - One4Review
one4review | On 05, Aug 2023
Marcel Lucont (aka Alexis Dubus) has created a winner of a children’s show – indeed it already is award-winning – appealing to children from 3 upwards, while also entertaining the parents.
Leading the children’s gameshow in his character’s French accent, the audience are treated at the outset to a theme song, and then Marcel draws everyone in further by setting the tone with some suitably throwaway and totally acceptable family humour.
Enthusiastic children are selected from the crowd to play in various rounds of different games, with the lure of the Most Awful Child certificate as the prize for the overall winner.
And very soon absolutely everyone is having fun, laughing and shouting out. But Marcel keeps everything running smoothly, with the competing children cooperating happily to make this into a great experience. One game resulted in a policy being set by the children of “Everyone has to pull their pants off on Tuesdays” to great mirth, and one lad described how his mother had tried to walk across a swimming pool with armbands on her feet.
The winners of the games competed for the Most Awful Child certificate which truly diminutive Anthea, who had no inhibitions in an earlier game, accepted with great grace.
This is unquestionably an exceptional children’s show which can hardly fail to appeal, being skilfully hosted by an unflagging and amiable MC.
Reviewed by HJ on 5 August 2023
Assembly George Square Gardens – Piccolo 14:55 (1hr) Until 21 August
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