Picasso : Le Monstre Sacre – 5***** - One4Review
one4review | On 13, Aug 2023
Another Guy Masterson production comes to Edinburgh and certainly does not disappoint. Peter Tate is mesmerising as Picasso in this one man tour de force. From the outset, we are in no doubt as to the character of the man, as he lets the women in the audience know they are lucky he is dead. He has no doubt they would all fall under his spell. What follows is a never less than jaw dropping account of the women that Picasso, loved, sucked dry and used the essence of them on his canvasses. The stage is set up as an artist’s studio, with the narrative enhanced by short films projected onto the canvas backdrop of Tate as Picasso, meeting the various women in his life. As he manoeuvres through his life, he dances across the stage delicately between romantic interludes, which is at odds with the bull-like masculinity he displays when he treats his lovers with brutal disregard. It’s not only the women in his life that he treats with cruelty, as he shows little or no compassion for his various children and grandchildren.
It’s hard to believe in this day and age that someone like Picasso could ever have existed, but Peter Tate’s performance really brings the man to life. His devotion to his art knew no bounds and this play more than illustrates this. A fabulous performance and a fabulous play.
Reviewed by Rona
Assembly Roxy
12.45 (1hr 10)
Until 28th August (Not 14th or 22nd)
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