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Ron Placone- Balding is Punk Rock 4**** - One4Review

Ron Placone- Balding is Punk Rock 4****

| On 25, Aug 2023

The title of this unbelievably free show suggests Ron is a balding Punk Rocker and the show is going to be based on Punk music but it’s not, Ron is a stand up enthusiastic American Comedian who jumps between comedy and true story events.To begin with, Ron discussed the grave sites of Jimmy Hendrix and Marilyn Monroe and some of the strange things people do when they visit.He discusses his thoughts on Cannabis and the time he got some from his friend but when his friends mum catches him with it, the outcome is rather humorous. He further divulges having his 1st Cannabis cookie with his mum and the consequences when his mum took a few of the cookies to work!Ron then talks about America and how things are so different to here. When CNN sent a reporter to cover Cop 26 climate change in Glasgow, the reporter doesn’t quite arrive on time. Then there’s the time Cocaine was found in the White House, but whose was it and what was the outcome? Comparisons are then made between voting in the UK and presidential elections.Ron moves on to language barriers and discusses the translation App Dua Lingo with some hilarious outcomes. He also discusses his love for the word ‘Knackered’ and how it’s used in Scotland, however when trying to use the same word in the USA with the assistance of Spell checker, it can somewhat have a completely different meaning with a hilarious outcome!Ron delivers a worthy and enthusiastic performance that deserved a bigger venue, those that attended this show thoroughly enjoyed themselves.****Reviewed by Steve

Laughing Horse, 32 Below, Little Cellar


Until 27th Aug

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