Any Suggestions Doctor? The Improvised Doctor Who Parody– 5***** - One4Review
one4review | On 19, Aug 2019
The title of this show tells you exactly what to expect, and that is what you get. The cast role a dice for who plays The Doctor. On the way in they have gained a hat full of title ideas, and they ask for hands up for a setting. After taking a few options, audience cheers voted for Mount Olympus.
It turns out that this might just have been the ideal choice for them. Some of the cast, especially the only female member of the troupe, really knew their stuff, throwing in fresh deities and mythological figures at regular intervals, keeping it fresh but funny.
The show’s title had been chosen from the hat as ‘The Feline Through Time’ and they also managed to link this beautifully, with a Cat baddie at Zeus’ side from early in the tale.
The group as a whole obviously have a lot of fun with this show, and it’s infectious: watching them play with the character who has been frozen, changing roles between them when needed, and every so often throwing something at each other to confuse matters, all came together to make a very funny show. The audience showed their appreciation, laughing so hard the raked seating sometimes shook. You can’t ask for more than that.
Reviewed by Gill
Pleasance Dome
19:00 – 20:00 (until 25th)
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