Moon Dragon for 5 and Under – 3.5 Stars - One4Review
one4review | On 16, Aug 2022
This 30-minute adventure takes children through a sensory journey of sounds, colour, texture and feelings as we follow Bertie the Moon Dragon who has forgotten to send the Moon up at night. The audience will need to do their best shaking, dancing, calling out, and playing along as they encounter some noisy owls and a wonderfully colourful unicorn who’s lost his tail as well as Bertie of course.
Through the use of puppetry and a soft tone of a harp, we are taken on this lovely story as the children are given a bag of wonders to help them get involved and tell the story. I’m not entirely sure a 5-year-old would be as engaged as this as it felt more like a high-end piece of baby sensory and so 1-3 is probably more appropriate. This tight show moves along at a steady pace and we are instructed what toys and objects to use when so everyone gets a chance to be involved in the play but it is clear there is limited time with each object as we have a story to tell in a short time.
The harp playing, puppets and general lovely audience engagement really give a positive feeling, it’s a shame it isn’t a bit longer as you are in and out before you know it.
Reviewed by Matthew
Pleasance Courtyard – The Green
10.00 (30mins)
16th, 18th and 19th Aug
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