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Tom Lucy : Melt 4**** - One4Review

Tom Lucy : Melt 4****

| On 24, Aug 2022

Tom Lucy has the ability to read the room. He has the talent and comic expertise to pick out just a few audience members who make perfect fodder for his style of stand up. Tonight might have been the exception but it’s always a risky business. You never know what you’re going to get.

The audience participation parts of the show aside, the jokes are flowing and the punch lines are hilarious. Tom’s style of self deprecating humour is very engaging and we learn that two big life events have happened since Tom last performed at The Fringe, back in 2019. Mainly moving in with his girlfriend and getting circumcised. Yes, you read that right!

At the grand old age of twenty five, Tom has been performing stand up since he was sixteen. There must be many memorable gigs in that time and we hear of one such memorable engagement. A particularly prestigious black tie event booking for a young comic early in his career. Well, it resulted in a hilarious anecdote involving a very famous actor and a bag of cocaine.

There are stories of Tom’s school days as an anxious child, who didn’t get invited to many parties, despite his Mum’s best efforts. We learn that Tom’s dad has moved on from driving tanks and has now joined his sister in becoming an estate agent.

Tom Lucy is one to watch. His laid back style and quick wit makes an entertaining hour’s comedy.

4**** stars

Reviewed by Margot

Pleasance Courtyard (Upstairs)
21.45 (1hr)
Until 28th Aug

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