Andrew Ryan: Ruined 3*** - One4Review
one4review | On 09, Aug 2016
It’s always a pleasure to see Andrew Ryan, the charismatic Irishman is sure to deliver a decent hour of comedy. This year’s show centres around his knack of always making bad decisions, something he’s apparently done all of his life but is trying to rectify.
Over the last year he has been taking better care of his health, now 34 he needs to take responsibility. Having suffered with digestion problems for years he has recently been diagnosed as being gluten intolerant so had many amusing stories to share about his new diet and his disgust at finding that Guinness could be out of bounds.
He tells a story of an incident in Manchester where he tried to get out of a situation using comedy but only made the situation worse. Then there are tales of his schooldays and getting into trouble plus a longer piece on the usefulness of self-help books, particularly those written by Paul McKenna.
There may be nothing ground breaking in the set but sometimes it’s nice to just hear some well told amusing anecdotes from a natural raconteur.
Reviewed by Sharon
19.50 to 20.50
Assembly Studio 4
Until 28th (not 15th)
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