Mitch Benn – It’s About Time 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 13, Aug 2022
Mitch Benn informs his late afternoon audience that he has been coming to the Fringe for 30 years virtually every year. And there can’t be many of his shows that I have missed. Way back then and even to this show he has majored on self-written comedy songs interspersed with his musings as one would expect of an entertainer of his standing.
From the title song Benn had his audience with him, like me, many were obviously returners, and he never let the energy drop, even if the room resembled a sauna within a dungeon.
For many years Mitch was a leading performer in BBC Radio 4 The Now Show where probably he ‘made his name’ but also plays with a band on top of the comedy talents he possesses in spades.
The many aspects and definitions of time are explored either in song or in the links, he talks less than some about lock-down, his family, and a little of the disasters of recent politicians and their failings. Amongst other tops his phobia of sport and the possibility of being autistic are explored along the way.
As always there is what is for me a highlight, his ‘live looping’ where with the aid of his phone and a few pedals, he builds from scratch a fully orchestrated number in front of ones very eyes.
Reviewed by Geoff
Underbelly Jersey
16.00 to 17.00
Until 29th (not 15th )
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