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Flight - 2.5** - One4Review

Flight – 2.5**

| On 17, Aug 2022

A clear warning: This show contains complete darkness. May not be suitable for those with claustrophobia or a fear of flying. You enter the 40ft shipping container following a short briefing and the inside has been transformed into a plane cabin with displays above and in-flight cards to give you safety guidance, of a sort.
When you put the headphones on you are encouraged to strap in for the ride as the video above you begins we are met with our flight attendant who is taking us through our flight procedure and suddenly we are in darkness. Having us question the choices we make and those that are out of our hands definitely left me feeling something. I’m just not sure it was a positive thing.
It is hard not to compare to the other DARKFIELD experiences if you’ve done them and if you haven’t I recommend Séance. Flight has some amazing moments where I felt completely like I was on a plane and had to remind myself I was in a none-moving shipping container in Edinburgh. That, sadly, was the highlight. I found myself slightly bored at points as I listened to passengers chatter or the pilot wanting a snack. It throws some jump scares but if the goal is to scare us it doesn’t really achieve that in any large measure and if the goal was for us to consider multiple realities I’m not sure this method is best.
You can’t ignore the work that has gone into this production and to create this immersive experience, but it’s less thrill ride and more flight sim.
Reviewed by Matthew
Pleasance Dome – Potterow Plaza
Hourly from 11.00 to 21.00
30 mins

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